probable expressway fury-man (calcium)
crack inside my calcium the war-planes whip  the clouds and stir anthem songs enough guns pepper pot lids and growling kids jiggle bowls devoid of decency (empty photographic things) (J)esus says thus: “worthless cunt cowards” him sayeth: “grab weapons and ...
the scum of dawn
this wiggly neck is the neck of gooses who have long bird necks and barking  duck-neck birds birds make the noises panic because babies need protections and vibrating gun-bullets the scum of dawn mist slips on my country-pond cheek ...
she shell of a helicopter
     former youths in asia have no idea who they are veterans tired of lobbing bombs into the cunts of earnest waitress-faces it is tough to be a bamboo-ripping ape who waits on the boat-deck ...
thick gas
Now I can relax because the helicopters and machines of murder and laws and new  laws thump into the sky, like timbers that crack under trivial boots.  All I can (now) do is ponder crime as vague questions about ...
The Trucks Carried Berries
 Light ripped off the lazy sun, now, drifting feathers in sulphur clouds sway and curl in the fertile thighs of gasping, gobbling crops.  By the way, crops create shit! Jets of machines, who exhale, ripple the oxygen as fruit ...